Bonus Hunting

Today every online casino offers bonuses and all sorts of enticing marketing ideas to bring more players in. On the whole, players are attracted to an online casino for the games and service that they offer and not just the introductory bonus offers. But there are a number of what can be described as semi professional online casino players who will flit from casino to casino to find the best online bonuses and introductory offers, use them up to the limit and worth through the necessary play through until they can cash out their winning and then move on to the next casino. These players are known as bonus hunters.

Bonus Hunters Seek the Best Bonuses with the Lowest Play Throughs

A bonus hunter at online casinos is someone who seeks out the best bonuses that are being offered and tries to make the most out of them. He will look at the welcome sign up bonuses and invest what is necessary to receive the match up bonus and then work through the play through of the casino. For example, a casino may offer a $1000 match up bonus for the first deposit as long as you the player plays through that amount at least 20 times. This means that you have to have played through $20000 before you can start claiming the money to be your own. This is not a great casino offer for a bonus hunter as they want to try and get the maximum amount of money in the minimum time, much like anyone's dream really.

The Play Through Makes the Bonus

The play through requirements for any bonus or special offer are very important and to a certain extent is what really determines the standing of the bonus being given out. Many online casinos will offer what appear to be outstanding special offers with unheard of amounts to match up to, but when you actually look more closely at the details, you may find that the play through i.e. the number of times that the bonus has to be bet is very high therefore making it a much less attractive offer for that casino. Bonus hunters know how to judge and hunt out the best special offers and bonuses and you will find once they have completed the play through they will move on to the next casino and work out what is needed.

Restrictions are a Challenge

Online casinos used to give much lower play throughs but once they cottoned on to the idea of the bonus hunter the stakes were increased. In the same way, casinos which belong to the same group and have extra special offers such as free hour of play or free money with no commitments will limit players to one casino only. In other words if you have already joined one casino with a special offer of a certain group, you cannot and will not be allowed to join another. Despite these restrictions there are still plenty of bonus hunters out there who work their way through the different online casinos to try and beat the system.

Payout Percentages are Important

These bonus hunters don't just look at the introductory offers they also look at the type of games to play and of course the payout percentages. Games like Blackjack and Video Poker are much more popular for bonus hunters than the fast action slots where the game can be over too quickly and all of the money lost. A game that moves at a slow pace is the perfect choice for a bonus hunter who will work his way through the game to achieve the full play through and then of course pull out and move on to another casino. Bonus hunting is an art and you also need time and resources to be able to follow it through. A bonus hunter will need a substantial bankroll in order to match up to some of the bonuses in the hope that he will win more money at the end of the game.