Jackpot Capital Casino Launches $90K Superhero Club Bonuses

Jackpot Capital Casino

Jackpot Capital Casino is known for its fun promotions and bonuses. Players will be excited to know about the recent $90K Superhero Club Bonuses to play at Jackpot Capital Casino. This month and onwards players can help the Jackpot Capital Casino superheroes battle evil forces and also win money at the same time.

Superheroes Club Bonuses

The superheros at Jackpot Capital Casino are on a mission to prevent players from feeling bored and to help them receive more bonuses at the casino. The superheroes to watch for at this casino are called Captain Jackpot, Wonder Win and Iron Slot. These are fun characters, but these superheroes serve a purpose to increase prizes and bonuses. The current Superheroes Club Bonus has up to $17,000 in prizes each week for casino players to win. There is also a random bonus reward to $5000 for players to have a chance at winning. Jackpot Capital Casino will also be giving out bonus prizes to players who are fans of the casino on Facebook. The points loyalty program called Superhero Club will have a list of the top casino players on the weekly scoreboard with bonuses of $600 awarded.

Jackpot Capital Casino

Players will enjoy the ability to just play for a short or long time in the Superhero Club bonus promotion and still qualify for a bonus. These bonuses are allocated on Fridays during the course of the promotion. There are many slot games from RTG now when you play at Jackpot Capital Casino for downloading, instant play and mobile devices. Players should even try the new Big Bopper slot game here.