Casino Mobile Devices Now More Popular Than Regular Computers

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When mobile devices where first created, many people would not have said it was possible for there to be a device which could play online casino games. However, these days we have mobile devices which can play casino games such as slots or blackjack. It is now the start of a new era in which mobile casino gaming has surpassed online PC gaming, and it does not seem to be slowing down.

Mobile Gaming Increases

For a while there it seemed as if the use of personal computers such as desktops or laptops held the monopoly for online casino gaming. The majority of casino players were using a personal computer to play games at home or work. The improvement in mobile technology changed this. Manufacturers of mobile devices have changed the technology in these devices by leaps and bounds. With people traveling more, and longer commutes, it is only natural that casino members wanted to play casino games wherever they happen to be. With better technology in smartphones and tables, there was also an increase in mobile casino gaming. Now it is no surprise to see that mobile casino gaming has surpassed PC casino gaming.

Recent Trends

The increase in mobile casino gaming is evident in recent data trends. These trends have shown a widening between the players who use personal computers versus mobile phones for casino game play. Casino players on personal computers have decreased to less than 50% while casino players on mobile phones have risen to over 80% or more. Data analysts were able to see decline of between 9 to 10% for those players who use a personal computer for casino games. This decline was over a one year period.

Another analysis of this data suggests the reason more players re turning to mobile casino gaming is because many of them are turning away from multi-game casino apps. In the past, it was common for online casino players using laptops and desktops to download applications which allowed them to play a variety of games such as slots, blackjack, online poker and specialty games such as Keno. However, the fallout from this is less players are downloading these apps, and instead opting to play using smartphones or tablets.

More Or Less Revenue

Keep in mind that all is not lost for creators of multi-gaming apps. Of those players who still use these apps, the biggest population of users will be those players who own personal computers. One of the reasons for this will be the wider screen providing a better view to play online casino games. Even though mobile users will download apps and make in app purchasers, they will generate less revenue in total when compared to revenue from personal computer users. It is also more common for mobile casino gaming users to leave an app quicker or discontinue playing it, as compared to a personal computer user.

Therefore, creators of casino apps should bear all of these data trends in mind when looking at which group to target when marketing their apps either for personal computer, mobile or both.