Bets With Facebook Libra Coin

Bovada Casino
Many players are waiting on the edge of their seat for the release of the new venture by Facebook called the Libra Coin. Not only will this be a new thing for the social media industry, but it will also give everyone a new way to make payments and transfer money using this new cryptocurrency. However, the latest news is that the Facebook Libra Coin will also be used by the gambling industry in the same way that Bitcoin is now used in online casinos.

About Calibra and Libra Coin

Players will be able to see the digital wallet Calibra offer a new crypto which will be available in 2024. This is the much-talked about Libra currency which has already attracted some big investors such as Facebook, Spotify, and PayPal. Facebook Libra is run on the Libra blockchain. Not only will this coin be there for those who use Facebook Messenger, but users of Whatsapp will also have access to it.

Libra Coin For Bets?

However, this is not just a way to send money for those on Facebook, but can be used by bettors to make payments in the online casino industry. As more people begin to use the Libra cryptocurrency, it is expected that a higher number of casinos will offer it as a payment method, far surpassing the use of Bitcoin in the casino industry.