Player Wins With Royal Flush Last Sighted at Bovada Casino

Bovada Casino
Bovada Casino player by the name of Douglas P. is now celebrating capturing a Royal Flush while playing poker at the casino. For some players, seeing a Royal Flush is the equivalent to capturing a glimpse of Big Foot or seeing the Loch Ness Monster. However, while some people might not have a chance of ever seeing Big Foot, they can play poker online to receive a Royal Flush, and win the big one. This was the case for Douglas P. who was able to enjoy winning Let ‘Em Ride Poker and come out with a sweet hand.

Keep in mind that Let ‘Em Ride Poker involves only one person in the game session, and players are rewarded when they have at minimum a pair of 10s in their hand. Douglas had a $10 raise, added a community card and after a second set of wagers, he received a community card to capture the Royal Flush. This resulted in a jackpot of 1000:1 and also the win of all of the progressive poker jackpot of $111,879. This was indeed a great week for Douglas. The Let 'Em Ride Poker jackpot is climbing again. Anyone wanting to repeat this performance for themselves and see if they can capture a Royal Flush for himself while it is still there can do so when they play at Bovada Casino.